Weekly Devotionals
Select from the different devotionals available and receive them weekly directly to your inbox. Each devotional has the option to be downloaded and printed.
Ten Hymns of the Church
Delve into the powerful messages of these cherished hymns, drawing closer to God as you reflect on their significance. Subscribe now and receive a new devotional in your inbox every week, with space to record your own heartfelt thoughts as God speaks to you
Faithful Women of God: The Stories of Ruth and Esther
Delve into the powerful messages of these two Bible books and the women whose lives inspired them. As Ruth and Esther embraced the purpose God had for them, He blessed them beyond their dreams!
The Prophet Amos
The prophet Amos prophesied in the eighth century BC. Although Amos grew up in Judah, the southern kingdom, God sent him to the northern kingdom of Israel. Amos focused especially on the social injustice he saw there, and called them to return to the covenant God had established with them centuries earlier.
Amos had a tough calling, but as he yielded to God’s purpose, God used him as a prophet, and we’re still talking about him today.
A Glimpse Into Our Personal Faith Journey
Many times during my life, I have read the biblical accounts of God’s people who
trusted him for deliverance, provision, protection, and more.
But what about today? Does God still work personally in the lives of his people?
Beginning in 1980, my wife Yvonne and I maintained a journal of God’s faithfulness to our family. These devotionals provide personal glimpses into the faith journey we have walked together.
Lessons from Jezebel, Israel’s Most Evil Queen
King Ahab became king over the northern kingdom of Israel. Ahab was an evil king, and added to his sins marrying Jezebel, the daughter of a Phoenician king. Jezebel’s mission appears to have been to establish the Canaanite god Baal over Israel.
Jezebel was a wicked queen, but God’s Word has life lessons we can gain from her life, even if many involve avoiding her sinful ways!
Hebrews 12:1-3: Running the Race to Win
The writer of Hebrews was writing to a group of Jewish Christians who had embraced Jesus as their Messiah, As they faced suffering, some considered turning back to their former ways of Judaism.
In Hebrews 12:1-3, the writer likened the Christian life to a marathon, and encouraged those “running this race” to lay aside sin, to listen to the cheering crowd, to keep going, and to fix their eyes on Jesus.
Psalm 1
Psalm 1 is a wisdom psalm; that is, it presents good, basic truth about life. The psalmist doesn’t stop to defend what he says; he simply presents the truth as he sees it. He puts before us two paths: one leads to the fullest life possible, and the other leads to ruin.
Psalm 19
Psalm 19 begins by describing the
wonder of creation, then moves to exalting the Word of God as the perfect
foundation for life. The Word of God warns us against presumptuous sins we
should avoid, but also calls for God to search our hearts lest we harbor
hidden sins within our hearts. It helps those who desire to live lives that
please God
Ezra: Studying God’s Word, Living God’s Word, and Teaching God’s Word in His Context
Ezra had set his heart to
study God’s Word, to live it, and to teach it in Israel. His life provides a
good example for believers today as we seek to study the Word, to live the
Word, and to teach the Word in our contexts.
Waiting on God's Timing: Lessons from the Life of David
Are you in God's "waiting room," sensing a new purpose but feeling it's not yet time? You're not alone; King David faced similar circumstances. In 1 Samuel 16, David is anointed as the next king, though Saul still reigns. David's attitude during this period offers guidance for those waiting on God's timing in their own lives.
Life Lessons from Israel's Greatest King: David's Victories and Failures
So many leaders struggle with the challenges success brings. Success brings accolades, prestige, power, perhaps financial reward, and more. The Bible assures us that all that we have comes from God, so we should never boast in anything we accomplish. Nevertheless, with success comes temptation, and temptation can bring us down.
Life Lessons from the Sluggard in the Book of Proverbs
The book of Proverbs contains a lot of instruction about life and all its relationships: marriage, families, friends, neighbors, co-workers, God and people. It also features proverbs that speak of various kinds of people in society. This study focuses on the sluggard (or slacker) and what we can learn about life by the sluggard’s bad example.
Lessons from the Life of Joseph
Jacob’s twelve sons became the source of Israel’s twelve tribes, and one of those twelve sons was Joseph. Genesis 37–50 records God’s work in Joseph’s life as He took him from a pit in Galilee to a prison in Egypt to Egypt’s palace. There, God exalted him and used him to save his people and many more. Joseph’s life teaches powerful lessons about God’s guidance of our lives and about the importance of forgiveness.
1 Peter: Hope in the Midst of Suffering
The apostle Peter wrote two letters that became part of the New Testament. In the letter we call 1 Peter, he wrote to believers scattered throughout Asia Minor—modern Turkey. He knew they were suffering for their faith, but he assured them they could have hope – confident assurance in God’s promises – as they faced that suffering.
These five devotionals include a place for you to record your own thoughts as God speaks to your heart.
These five devotionals include a place for you to record your own thoughts as God speaks to your heart.
Psalm 15: What Marks a Faithful Servant of God?
Psalm 15, written by King David around 1000 BC, reflects on the kind of life that pleases God, bringing blessing, stability, and grace even amidst challenges. When God's people live this way, they not only find strength but also inspire others to be drawn to Him.
Joshua 1: When God Calls Us to Enormous Tasks
Joshua had served Moses and Israel well, and before Moses died, he
commissioned Joshua as his successor to lead God’s people into the Promised
Land. Many Israelites may have wondered whether Joshua would be able to
handle this enormous task; perhaps even Joshua struggled to believe it at
times. Joshua 1 records God’s empowerment and encouragement of His new
leader; Joshua would lead the people to claim God’s promise.
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